France: MLS® supports the 2nd postgraduate training appointment by the Clinic CIRALE

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

As scheduled, CIRALE (Centre d'Imagerie et de Recherche sur les Affections Locomotrices Equines), the world famous reference centre for the study of horse locomotive ailments, directed by Pr. Audigié Fabrice, organised the second postgraduate training module in collaboration with Hospimedi from 7th to 9th July. For the occasion, the Clinic, affiliated with the National Veterinary School of Alfor (ENVA) and located at Dozulé in Normandy, issued the “Diplôme d’Ecole de Cinésiologie, Physiothérapie et Réadaptation vétérinaire Option équine: science de l’exercice, kinésithérapie et réadaptation des affections locomotrices du Cheval”, to as many as 60 veterinarians at the Casino de Cabourg.
Hospimedi attended these training days, coordinated by Drs J.-M. Denoix, L. Bertoni, C. Scicluna and supported by F. Desbrosse and R. Van Weeren, with an own MLS® Laser Therapy stand and which will be the topic of the speeches our dealer will give during the last module envisaged for 16th December.

France: MLS® supports the 2nd postgraduate training appointment by the Clinic CIRALE
France: MLS® supports the 2nd postgraduate training appointment by the Clinic CIRALE