Focus Group for M-VET @ASA users

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Participants in the Focus Group organised by ASA at its headquarters in order to collect feedback concerning the daily use of the device in the field were chosen among M-VET device users from Great Britain, The Netherlands, Slovenia and the Czech Republic.

The moderator was Silvia Meggiolaro – DMV, CCRP and ASAveterinary Specialist – and the 7 participants, all specialised in the physiotherapy sector, were highly reactive and collaborative.


“The interaction between the participants was absolute, thanks to a constant exchange of opinions and of personal experiences concerning the use of M-VET, whose speed in achieving effective results was agreed by all”, Meggiolaro states.

The safety of the therapy, a non-secondary factor for looking after and safeguarding the patient, was also underlined several times.

“We are very satisfied with the results: these confirmed not only the value of MLS® Laser Therapy, but also of its evolution which is taking place through the new device. The discussion by the professionals, which carried on beyond the Focus Group during a friendly dinner, we feel was a key point to understand the real requirements of those working in the field on a daily basis”, Meggiolaro concludes.

M-VET Focus Group @ASA HQ
ASA Factory Tour
M-VET Focus Group @ASA HQ