Focus on MLS® at the SIFIRVET didactic itinerary

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A presentation table dedicated to the use of MLS® Laser Therapy in physical medicine and rehabilitation, chaired by Doctor Francesca Cazzola (veterinary doctor and past President of Società Italiana di Fisiatria e Riabilitazione Veterinaria-SIFIRVET – Italian Society of Veterinary medicine and Rehabilitation) and by Doctor Adelmo Rossin (ASAveterinary product specialist) and an exhibition stand showcasing the Mphi Vet Orange device: this is how ASAveterinary marks its participation in the second part of the first physical medicine and rehabilitation itinerary credited by the European School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ESVPS) for achieving the General Practitioner Certificate in Physiotherapy. The meeting (18/20 April, Centro Studi SCIVAC – Cremona), which focused on the use of instruments for veterinary rehabilitation, also devoted ample space to Laser Therapy, the confirmation of the growing interest in this therapy by specialists. Silvio Ferracin, Sales Manager for Italy of the ASAlaser Vet division, explains "the debate which took place during the round-table was significant; the participating vets not only asked detailed questions, but also verified the use of the devices hands-on at the stand. The experience of some specialists who already successfully employ MLS® was a further incentive for our therapeutic solution”.

Mphi Vet Orange, SIFIRVET - Cremona
MLS Laser Therapy Training, SIFIRVET - Cremona