Laser therapy in near infra-red for treating feline stomatitis

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Laser therapy has already been applied when treating oral mucositis in humans with a significant effect in reducing inflammation, pain, the severity and duration of ulcers. A recent preliminary study which also included ASAcampus (the research division of ASAlaser) among the protagonists dealt with verifying the hypothesis that laser therapy in near infra-red (NIR) may usefully be applied for treating mucositis in cats, a severe inflammation of the oral mucosa which undermines the cat’s health with evident signs of inflammation, proliferation and ulceration.  
Although many and various treatments have been suggested to deal with it, no reference therapy has currently been identified to manage feline chronic gingivitis-stomatitis in cats (FCGS), Research aimed at developing new therapeutic strategies is therefore required. The patients enrolled for the study – already published in the SM Dermatology Journal – have been divided into two groups in order to compare two treatments with a different released energy.  The effects of the laser therapy have been evaluated by means of clinical checks and histological analyses carried out both before and after treatment. “The results of the study – explained Doctor Monica Monici - Head of ASAcampus – prove that MLS® Laser Therapy, with appropriate treatment parameters, can be effective in managing FCGS, leading to an improvement of the symptoms which is more evident and faster in the group treated with a lower energy density”.

MLS Laser Therapy for treating feline stomatitis