MLS® for the effective treatment of “risks” caused by the first Spring trips outdoors

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Now the good weather has arrived, MLS® Laser Therapy is decisive for successfully treating different pathologies including wounds and injuries after runs in the park or open-air activities of pets and exotic animals.

This is testified by the case of Marta, a 20-year old Hermann’s tortoise with an open wound to the carapace, loss of osseous tissue in the bridge area and exposure of the coelomic membrane after being run over by a vehicle. Doctor Giordano Nardini - ECZM (Herpetology), European Specialist in Zoological Medicine at the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic - carried out an osteosynthesis operation to stabilise the carapace and she then underwent a series of therapies which included cycles of MLS® Laser Therapy treatment which led to the wound fully healing.

The effectiveness of MLS® went hand in hand with its excellent tolerance by the animal, as was also underlined by other experiences on exotic and pet animals pointed out by Doctor Giovanni Ghibaudo from the Malpensa Veterinary Clinic in Samarate, Varese and by Doctor Paolo Squarzoni from the Squarzoni Veterinary Centre in Molinella (BO).

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MLS Laser Therapy decisive for successfully treating wounds and injuries