MLS® Laser Therapy: continuous training with a stop in Lombardy

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lombardy is the region that hosted a new training session on the use of MLS® Laser Therapy for the treatment of pathologies for pets, exotic animals, and equines. The congress hall of S.I.D.E.M. (ASA distributor for the entire area) in Bellusco (MB), on 24 February, hosted doctors from private clinics, medical offices, and Vet freelancers who took part in the conference dedicated to ‘MLS® Laser Therapy: a therapeutic certainty’.

After a quick introduction dedicated to the company as a leader in the production of therapeutic lasers in the veterinary field, the meeting focused on concrete uses and benefits of MLS® with various clinical cases for small animals.

‘Dr. Adelmo Rossin, ASAveterinary Product Specialist,’ explains Diego Tono, Area Manager, ‘clearly and accurately explained Laser Therapy in general and, specifically, the application of MLS® in successfully treating various case histories. He then accepted questions from the participants interested in having further details on the therapy and how to include it in a functional way in their daily activities.’

At the end of the training, they also presented video tutorials to understand the uses and benefits of MLS® Laser Therapy, and the website, an information channel to always be up to date on successful cases, and Vet events and initiatives.

Training  MLS® Laser Therapy in veterinary - Bellusco 24/02/2020
Training  MLS® Laser Therapy in veterinary - Lombardy 24/02/2020