MLS® at the forefront at the OSDVC

Thursday, January 18, 2018

A top setting for MLS® Laser Therapy in Bangkok during the second edition of OSDVC 2018 (O’Square Dermatology Veterinary Congress - Hotel Shangri-La, 11 and 12 January), a leading event for veterinary specialists keen to discover the latest sector innovations. During the Congress, which this year numbered over 300 participants, the ASAlaser laser therapy generated interest among the Vet specialists thanks to the speech by Doctor Giovanni Ghibaudo (a veterinary doctor who specialises in clinical dermatology, otology, oto-endoscopy, dermatological laser therapy).  Making available his long-standing experience in the use of laser devices for veterinary therapies and surgery, Ghibaudo not only provided an overview of the biological effects of  MLS® - fundamental in order to understand its effectiveness when treating dermatological issues such as wounds, fungi, dermatitis, hot spots – but also presented some particularly complex clinical cases (drug-resistant vasculitis, otitis, alopecia, cysts and perianal fistulas in German Shepherds), successfully resolved by using Mphi Vet. “Doctor Ghibaudo’s speech – explains Giacomo Granozio, the ASAlaser Area Manager – was also recalled by some leading figures of the Thailand veterinary dermatology scene during the course of the Congress’ scientific programme, thereby confirming its value”. This value was also highlighted during the Dinner Talk organised to close the meeting, which stimulated interaction with the attending audience. “Some doctors – concludes the Area Manager – also shared their direct experience, thus promoting an exchange between all the parties who, thanks to colleagues more experienced in the use of Laser Therapy, were particularly receptive and willing to evaluate its integration in their clinical practice”.

Doctor Ghibaudo’s speech on MLS Laser Therapy
ASAveterinary stand at OSDVC 2018
O’Square Dermatology Veterinary Congress, Bangkok
Doctor Ghibaudo’s speech on MLS Laser Therapy