Mphi Vet: first steps in Australia

The Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference (AVA Congress - 25/30 May, Perth - Australia) has been the showcase for the presentation in Australia of MLS® Laser Therapy with Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet ORANGE devices.
Monday, June 16, 2014

The Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference (AVA Congress - 25/30 May, Perth - Australia) has been the showcase for the presentation in Australia of MLS® Laser Therapy with Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet ORANGE devices.
With the collaboration of DLC Australia pty ltd, ASAlaser has in fact approached the local veterinary market, interested in knowing not only benefits and uses of the therapy, but also the technological innovations of MLS® equipement. A special corner set up inside the stand of the Australian dealer has enabled professionals to view them and to watch a video projection of some clinical cases.
«The Australian market - said Giacomo Granozio, ASAlaser Area Manager - having a short experience in the field of physical therapy, has proven attentive and receptive. This important conference has been, therefore, a good opportunity to present the benefits of MLS® in daily practice. To arouse the interest of veterinarians have been also the scientific and clinical evidences of the effects of our therapeutic proposal in the treatment of diseases commonly encountered during their daily activities. The numerous studies dedicated to MLS® by ASAcampus and the clinical cases also published on ASAveterinary website have made possible to Darren Beard, DLC Managing Director, to better respond to their questions».
After the positive results collected during the AVA Congress, the penetration strategy of the Australian veterinary market developed by ASAlaser now includes the participation in July at a second meeting focused on the world of horses.


AVA Congress - 25/30 May, Perth - Australia
AVA Congress - 25/30 May, Perth - Australia