MLS® in-company training for Thai vets

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Professionals specialising in treating pet and exotic animals, such as elephants and tigers, from prestigious Thailand Universities (Mahidol, Chulalongkorn, Kasetsart University) and important private clinics took part in a training course dedicated to MLS® Laser Therapy directly at the ASAlaser headquarters. The training consisted of a theoretical session and a practical one and also involved some Italian veterinary specialists who enabled participants to receive a more complete overview of the therapy’s use, thanks to their direct experience. “The visits to both Thermal Physiopets in Montegrotto Terme (Pd) and to the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic – explains Giacomo Granozio, the ASAlaser Area Manager – enabled the Thailand vets, who have been using Mphi Vet Orange for just a few months, to have a useful exchange with Italian colleagues”. An important added value for some of the participants who will be speakers at workshops and presentations scheduled at the Kasetsart University in Bangkok from 12 to 13 June.

MLS® in-company training for Thai vets
Practical training at Thermal Physiopets in Montegrotto Terme
Practical training at Thermal Physiopets in Montegrotto Terme
Practical training at Thermal Physiopets in Montegrotto Terme
Practical training at Thermal Physiopets in Montegrotto Terme
Practical training Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic
Practical training Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic