Severe stomatitis in snakes: MLS® reduces recovery times

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The clinical case of a 2-year python affected by a severe stomatitis which underwent MLS® sessions highlights how laser therapy, an alternative intervention compared with those commonly used (irrigation, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication), to tackle the pathology is able to produce a good result in limited timeframes.

Only 8 sessions with two distinct protocols (“infected wound” and “chronic inflammation”) over 23 days were needed before the snake showed clinical signs of a marked improvement, visible already after the first 3 sessions.

The study carried out therefore confirms that MLS® Laser Therapy is recommended to deal with particularly severe cases of stomatitis which generally require lengthy healing times.


“Alternative treatment of stomatitis in ball python (Python regius) with class IV laser therapy: A clinical case”
T. Rungnirundorn, N. Khamchomphu, N. Senarat, T. Duangurai
Energy For Health [21], 2021


MLS Laser Therapy for severe stomatitis in snakes
MLS Laser Therapy for severe stomatitis in snakes
MLS Laser Therapy for severe stomatitis in snakes