Mphi Vet, from U.S. to Australia

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The U.S. lead the classification for the number of installations of Mphi Vet devices:  clinics and surgeries that choose MLS® Laser Therapy to treat common diseases among pets, exotic species and horses are steadily increasing. To consider with interest the ASAlaser therapy are also European countries, Sweden in particular, where the laser therapy  culture as an effective method for the animal world, is making its way gradually. Italy and Spain are aligned to the trend thanks to the participation of ASAveterinary staff in numerous exhibitions and conferences  where MLS® and Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet ORANGE devices have been presented to professionals. If Germany, France and England are confirmed receptive markets, Australia could be the true outsider. «Our devices  - says Lucio Zaghetto, ASAlaser CEO - exposed during the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, have raised the interest of veterinary professionals, thanks to the scientific and clinical evidence of MLS® effects. This finding leads us to look at the local market as a potential reservoir for the spread of Laser Therapy».

Mphi Vet and Mphi Vet Orange