Mein Haustier: MLS® in the Austrian veterinary magazine

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Austrian magazine dedicated to the health and welfare of animals deepens the MLS® Laser Therapy in a specific article - "Faster recovery with Laser Therapy" - which explains uses, benefits, and conditions in which it is effective. To underline the absence of side effects is Dr. Marion Müller (veterinary acupuncturist, specializing in Canine Rehabilitation Clinic of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Thoracic Surgery and Ophthalmology, University of Vienna) who, interviewed, also recalls the double value of  Laser Therapy. MLS® has in fact a positive impact on patient-animals and on their owners, bracing to see rapid results consequent to its application.

"Mein Haustier" cover, may-june 2014